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Healthy fats is all about the merits of a low-fat dieting program and the dangers of dietary fat and cholesterol. Healthy fat can increase your HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, the “good cholesterol” and decrease your bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol).
healthy fats healthy dieting
But with so many so-called healthy foods and substitutes on the market, how do you decide what’s best to buy? Here are some strategies for choosing healthy fats in your diet:
* Choose plant-based oils such as olive oil, or peanut oil if you are not susceptible to nuts. Plant-based oils do not have cholesterol as compared with animal-based oils such as butter.
* Choose monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These fats are most easily used by the body for a range of crucial functions and are more good for you than saturated fats. These will help you feel full and less likely to overeat.
* The Mediterranean diet is wholesome due to the symmetry of olive oil used in dressing and cooking. Olive oil is actually higher in calories than butter but contains no cholesterol.
* Choose unprocessed olive oils, not ‘lite’ or ‘light’ ones. Some people find the taste of olive oil a bit overwhelming, such as that of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, or EVOO. There are different grades of olive oil you can try to suits your palate. Avoid oils labeled lite or light because they don’t usually refer to the color of the oil, but that is has been blended with another type of oil, one potentially less healthy for you.
* Eat up on olives. You can get all the benefits of the oil plus a tasty snack for only a few calories per portion. Rinse off the salted water and enjoy!
* Use olive oil for butter in your recipes. Use it as a spread on bread and for cooking and frying. If you miss buttercream frosting on your cake, try a simple glaze of water and powdered sugar instead, with a dash of olive oil for body and texture.
* Avocados are tasty fruits contain a range of healthy fats, 75% monounsaturated and 25% polyunsaturated. They are versatile and can be used in sandwiches, salads, Mexican and Tex-Mex meals, and more.
* Substitute guacamole for mayo in your sandwiches. Make your own guacamole by mashing fresh avocado with some fresh tomatoes cut into cubes and a squirt of lemon or lime juice. Use them as you would mayonnaise, on turkey sandwiches, with your tuna salad, and more. But be careful of commercially prepared guacamole, as it can often contain unhealthy fats. In fact, many have very little avocado. Whenever you must buy it, make certain to read the label that avocado is listed as the first ingredient.
* Eat nuts if you are not allergic to them. Studies have shown that those who consume 1 ounce of nuts every day have an easier time in reducing weight and keeping it off. Nuts are rich in healthy fats and certain vitamins and enzymes, their fiber makes you feel fuller and assists in digestion.
* Put some walnuts in your morning oatmeal each morning. Studies have shown eating 8 walnuts per day can lower your cholesterol naturally. A bowl of oatmeal with water and a dash of cinnamon can help lower it even further.
* Peanut oil is a monounsaturated fat, a simple fat easily digested by the body. It increases healthy cholesterol and is great for your skin and your memory as well. It works peculiarly well in Asian-style cooking.
* Cook at home so you can stay clear of artery-clogging trans fats. Healthy oils like peanut, olive and coconut oil give foods a rich flavor compared with the trans fats in store-bought cookies, cakes, and other packaged convenience foods.
Trans fats are not healthy fats they are made by pumping hydrogen molecules into a range of (usually cheap and unhealthy) oils to make them solid and therefore less likely to spoil in products that are made with sit on store shelves.
* Add coconut oil to your dieting in moderation. Coconut oil is a saturated fat, but studies have shown it is processed by the body differently than animal-based saturated fats. Coconut oil offers a range of healing properties and can improve your digestive health.
* Use coconut oil in a broad range of tasteful recipes. Coconut oil is versatile and can be used in most kinds of cooking and baking. Even so, some people find the taste too strong or overwhelming. If you don’t want the strong taste too obvious in your dishes, use expeller-pressed or deodorized coconut oil.
* Use butter sparingly. Butter contains a range of vitamins and nutrients, including Omega-3 fatty acids. Butter does also contain cholesterol, but also offers a range of health benefits, such as helping you feel full for longer and boosting your metabolism.
* Sunflower oil has the highest concentration of monounsaturated fats of all the oils available, according to the nutrition database at Self magazine.
* Eat up on macadamia nuts if you can afford them. They are delicious, with a rich, creamy taste and rich in monounsaturated fats and fiber. Explore nut-based oils that are high in monounsaturated fats that are worth experimenting with, including hazelnut, and almond.
* Use soybean oil in moderation. It is polyunsaturated and high in Omega-3 fatty acids. It is versatile enough to be used in a range of recipes, from frying to homemade salad dressings. However, note that some people are allergic to soy. Soybeans have the highest amount of protein of the bean family, with a low percentage of fat, making it an excellent substitute for meat in your cooking.
* Consume more tofu. Try a stir-fry using sesame oil to get the flavor of a Chinese restaurant with none of the hidden dangers found in many prepackaged foods. Some researchers express concern at eating too much soy, especially genetically modified soy. Look for organic tofu if you are concerned about GMO foods and cook more from scratch.
* Add Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet to improve heart health. Sources include salmon and other fatty fish and sunflower, soybean, walnut, and corn oils.
* Boost your Omega-6 fatty acids Intake in moderation. Omega-6 fatty acids can aid in heart wellness, but too much can be a bad thing. Flaxseed is an excellent source of both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Flaxseed has a wonderful nutty taste and texture. Add to cereal or sprinkle on salads.
* Select cheese wisely. Hard cheeses such as cheddar have less fat than soft cheeses such as Brie or Bleu cheese. When eating cheese, practice portion control. One ounce of cheese is about the size of two cubes.
* Choose protein carefully. Many individuals believe they have to give up bacon and other tasty meats because they are high in fat. The reality is they can be enjoyed in moderation if you make sensible choices. Try Canadian or back bacon instead of bacon streaked with fat. Also, try a homemade ham steak.
* The primary risk with processed meats like bacon is all the chemicals, salt, and preservatives the food industry puts into them. Another concern is overcooked meats becoming charred, which has been associated with increased risk of prostate cancer in men. If you do choose to eat bacon, cook until crisp but not overdone.
* Opt for lean cuts of meat. Some individuals avoid beef and pork because they consider them to be too fatty. There are a lot of lean cuts of meat you can buy once you know what to look for, such as a minute steak or a pork loin. One pork loin can make many meals, from a roast dinner to stir-fry, tacos, and most other meals in which you would use white-meat chicken. Use portion control so not overdo it on the protein and fat. A three-ounce portion of meat is roughly the size of a deck of playing cards.
* Substitute low-fat versions of high-fat foods. Some fat is good, but there is no need to consume full-fat items if there are low-fat alternatives. Look for low-fat cream cheese, sour cream, yogurt and milk to keep down the amount of dietary cholesterol and calories you are consuming.
* Add Greek-style yogurt to your diet. Yogurt is good for maintaining digestive health, adding immune system-boosting probiotics through its active cultures. Studies have also shown that eating yogurt can curb cravings and lead to weight loss. Greek-style yogurt has twice the protein as regular yogurt for the same number of calories and will also make you feel fuller for longer.
* Many individuals stay clear of eggs due to high cholesterol, but that is just one part of the cholesterol picture. You can control your dietary intake of cholesterol, but skipping eggs can mean we are missing out on all of the protein and valuable nutrients, all for only about 70 to 90 calories. Eggs will help you feel full for longer and are highly portable. Cheese and eggs are the main snacks permitted on a low carb diet because they leave you feeling satisfied for hours after eating, and much less likely to grab sugary foods due to carb cravings.
* Opt for dark chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa solids, such as 70% to 90%, has been shown to contain healthy fats and other disease-fighting nutrients. One ounce a day of high-quality chocolate can satisfy your sweet tooth even as it improves your health. Avoid milk chocolate or white chocolate due to the large amounts of sugar and other added ingredients that dilute the heart-healthy cocoa solids.
* If you have been following a low-fat dieting plan but are still overweight or troubled with medical issues, try adding some healthy fats to your diet, in moderation. The above healthy fats healthy dieting suggestions are easy to follow and can make a difference in the way you look and feel.
*/ off interest…


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